142 research outputs found

    A hierarchical control architecture for job-shop manufacturing systems

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    Building Stronger Channel Relationships Through Information Sharing

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    Does sharing market information help channel partners to buildstronger mutual relationships? Is low initial trust really animpediment for further relationship development by means ofinformation sharing? How do connections with other competingchannel partners affect the relationship building process? Toaddress these questions, we conducted an experimental study.Our findings show that retailer information sharing helps todevelop higher quality supplier relationships. Interestingly,even if the initial level of trust in the retailer is low, therelationship quality substantially improves. In a morecompetitive situation the suppliers respond more favorably tothe retailer?s information-sharing initiative.experimental design;information-sharing;interfirm collaboration;marketing channels

    Aspects of the ontogenesis of the avian columella auris

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    Observations on embryological material from Spheniscus demersus, Acridotheres tristis, Geopelia cuneata and Gallus domesticus strongly suggest that the avian stapes represents part of an infrapharyngohyal while the rest of the pharyngohyal material (supra- plus infrapharyngohyal) together with the epihyal and a secondary laterohyal component form the extracolumella. The latter structure bears three so-called processes: the supracolumellar arcade or process (de Beer's lateral prong) whose inner limb is derived from the suprapharyngohyal and the outer limb (comprising at least part of the intercalary) from the laterohyal blasteme; the tympanic process (extracolumellar process) also derived from laterohyal blasteme; and the infracolumellar process (formed by the distal tip of the epihyal and a composite interhyal) which is continuous with the ceratohyal in most birds. Our investigation suggests that the supposed great variation in the development of the columella among birds is a fallacy.Waarnemings op embriologiese preparate van Spheniscus demersus, Acridotheres tristis, Geopelia cuneata en Gallus domesticus dui sterk daarop dat die stapes by voSIs deel van 'n infrafaringohiale verteenwoordig terwyl die res van die faringohiale materiaal (supra- plus infrafaringohiale) saam met die epihihiale en 'n sekonddre laterohiale komponent die ekstrakolumella vorm. Laasgenoemde struktuur dra drie sogenaamde uitsteeksels: die suprakolumellaar-uitsteeksel of -arkade (‘lateral prong’ van de Beer) waarvan die ‘binnebeen’ van die suprafaringohiale afkomstig is en die ‘buitebeen’ (wat minstens 'n deel van die interkalare insluit) deur die laterohiale blasteem bygedra word; die timpaniese uitsteeksel of ekstrakolumellaar-uitsteeksel wat ook van die laterohiale blasteem afkomstig is; en die infrakolumellaar-uitsteeksel (gevorm deur die distale punt van die epihiale enn saamgestelde interhiale) wat by meeste vo荤is aaneenlopend met die keratohiale voorkom. Ons ondersoek dui daarop dat die vermeende groot variasie wat ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van die kolumella by vofils sou bestaan, 'n dwaling is

    The morphogenesis of the avian Columella auris with special reference to Struthio camelus

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    The columella auris of the ostrich is derived as in the crocodile from three sources; the two upper segments of the hyoid arch (pharyngohyal and epihyal) and a laterohyal component. The latter contributes the homologue of the crocodilian suprastapedial (or lacertilian intercalary) as well as the tympanic process and the material of the lateral limb (which is not lacking as stated in the literature) of the lateral prong (supracolumellar arcade). Conditions in Struthio camelus confirm the views expressed by the authors in their paper on Crocodilus niloticus regarding the homologies of the columellar processes. The avian infracolumellar process represents the crocodilian infrastapedial plus the interhyal which in addition to primary arch material, includes a secondary subepidermal part. The ceratohyal (usually called stylohyal in the literature) remains attached to the columella through the infracolumellar process

    Industrielle Systeme- Teil IV

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    In dem vorliegenden letzten Teil der Serie wird der Prozesskalkuel (Prozessrechnung) zur Modellierung einer Fabrik mit Job-Produktion angewendet. Dies wird anhand von vier speziellen und einem allgemeinen Modell erlaeutert

    Building Stronger Channel Relationships Through Information Sharing

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    Does sharing market information help channel partners to build stronger mutual relationships? Is low initial trust really an impediment for further relationship development by means of information sharing? How do connections with other competing channel partners affect the relationship building process? To address these questions, we conducted an experimental study. Our findings show that retailer information sharing helps to develop higher quality supplier relationships. Interestingly, even if the initial level of trust in the retailer is low, the relationship quality substantially improves. In a more competitive situation the suppliers respond more favorably to the retailer?s information-sharing initiative

    The Recent Cholera Outbreak in the South Mrican Gold Mining Industry

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    A large-scale cholera surveillance programme was introduced in South Africa in November 1973 as a result of the progressive southward spread of cholera in Africa. Moore's technique for the isolation of Salmonella paratyphi was modified for cholera detection. The method proved to be very sensitive and it was possible to detect Vibrio cholerae in main sewer lines after its casual and transient introduction by an unidentified carrier. Transmission occurred in the acc!im<:tisation centre, probably through the drinking of water contaminated after it had been drawn from the tap. Faecal contamination of the environment was demonstrated, and V. cho/erae was isolated from the floor, onto which it had been disseminated from the perianal region by means of profuse perspiration. Perpetuation of cholera was probably aided by a faecally contaminated air-humidifying water reservoir, the water of which experimentally allows survival and multiplication of V. cholerae for a week and longer. Prophylactic treatment of selected high-risk groups of people was administered in the form of doxycycline, which appeared to result in rapid termination of the epidemic. Mass vaccination of all mine personnel (20 000) was carried out to reduce the incidence of clinical cholera and the bacterial load

    Особливості правового регулювання ліцензування господарської діяльності у сфері обігу дорогоцінного каміння

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    Здійснення господарської діяльності, на сьогодні, в нашій державі постійно трансформуються залежно від встановлених і закріплених в нормативно правових актах визначених і регульованих державою процедур, зокрема, шляхом ліцензування господарської діяльності, тому державна галузева політика у сфері діяльності суб’єктів господарювання, пов’язаної з дорогоцінними металами і дорогоцінним камінням має бути відрегульована належним чином не тільки через призму ліцензування, але й з урахуванням забезпечення балансу економіки та національної економічної безпеки країни. Ключові слова: ліцензування, ліцензія, господарська діяльність, процедура, нагляд, контроль, суб’єкти господарювання, дорогоцінні метали і каміння, використання дорогоцінних металів і дорогоцінного каміння.Осуществление хозяйственной деятельности, на сегодня, в нашем государстве постоянно трансформируются в зависимости от установленных и закрепленных в нормативно-правовых актах определенных и регулируемых государством процедур, в частности, путем лицензирования хозяйственной деятельности, поэтому государственная отраслевая политика в сфере деятельности субъектов ведения хозяйства, связанной с драгоценными металлами и драгоценными камнями должена быть отрегулирована должным образом не только через призму лицензирования, но и с учетом обеспечения баланса экономики и национальной экономической безопасности государства. Ключевые слова: лицензирование, лицензия, хозяйственная деятельность, процедура, контроль, субъекты ведения хозяйства, драгоценные металлы и камни, использование драгоценных металлов и драгоценных камней.Realization of enterprising movement, nowadays, in our state constantly transformed depending on position and envisaged in the normatively-legal acts of certain and managed by the state procedures, in particular, by licensing of enterprising, that is why public branch policy in the field of activity of enterprises, related to the precious metals and jewels must be adjusted properly not only through the prism of licensing but also taking into account providing of balance of economy and national economic security of a state. Key words: licensing, license, economic activity, procedure, supervision, control, enterprises, precious metals and stones, apply of precious metals and precious stones

    Low-loss bends in planar optical ridge waveguides

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